summer inspiration
because rafael nadal is too busy and so famous to even bother returning my calls (hahahahahaha. chos!), i am shifting loyalties and crushing in on olympic swimmer nathan adrian. see how gorgeous he is? he recently created a stir when he defeated olympic sensation michael phelps in a competition even if his speedo was ripped. read the news below from yahoo: "A split bathing suit couldn't hold back Nathan Adrian at the Indianapolis Grand Prix. The 2008 relay gold medalist overcame a tear in his bathing suit to win the 100-meter freestyle over a stacked field that included Olympic legend Michael Phelps. While crouching on the block before the start of Thursday night's final, Adrian felt a tear down the middle of his rear. His tight-fitting Speedo FS3 had split, leaving him with an exposed backside and considerably more drag than he'd have liked. Adrian dove in anyway -- "what could I do?" he said . The rip didn't have an effect on the result. ...