are you ready for a sexier derrick monasterio?

fate is taking a shine on young actor derrick monasterio. his afternoon soap on his home network gma seven titled half sisters has been extended until january of two thousand and fifteen.

then there are plans to relaunch him into a more mature, sexier leading man in the mold of say brad pitt in legends of the fall -- hunky, gorgeous, but oblivious of his good looks that is why women are falling all over his blessed feet. there are talks on the blogsphere that gma seven is now holding auditions for derrick's next project, this time on prime time.

the new soap will showcase derrick's flair for drama and at the same time bank on his now well-toned body, a product of hours and hours of slaving in the gym and the discipline of eating only healthy, non-fattening food, to lure the audience, who are now clamoring for new faces and talents to rule the local television industry.

the six-feet, nineteen year old star, who recently surprised a lot of fairies in the pink community when photos of his bare naked self appeared online displaying a well-sculptured physique and sporting a beard, a far cry from his teender days when he was on the thin side with soft as a baby's skin. his eyes too have acquired that knowing, more experienced glow, a sign that indeed the gorgeous youth is no longer a boy and that he is quite ready to set the showbiz world and our imaginations on fire.

now that gma seven's previous resident heartthrob richard gutierrez has flown the coop and is happily domesticated with a child, while its current prince ding dong dantes (what's with the name? it sounds so child starish!) just got hitched, then it's time that the network fills the vacuum by introducing a new drama prince, albeit on the sexier side. and they should do it fast while the fickle fans are still interested.

looking at its current rooster of young male stars, there is only one that fits the role to a t, pardon the cliche fairies, witches, bitches, princesses and wannabes. who else but derrick!

(ps: i don't own these photos. they were taken from different websites. no copyright infringements intended. please inform the blog author if you want them removed from this post. thank you so much.)


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