summer loving at the movies

summer is indeed upon us. the onset of the sunny season always makes me lazy, melancholic and nostalgic. it makes me long for those innocent days when summer means a two-month break from school, seeing friends and cousins whom you have not seen for a long time because of school, and spending time on the beach, or on the tennis court, or on the mountains.

this is the season too that i always equate with watching movies. lots of it. i remember it was the summer of eighty four when i watched on betamax brooke shield's endless love and blue lagoon and since then, she had become one of my most favourite actresses. i loved her looks - a combination of girlishness and womanness (especially in endless love).

ah, she's a goddess in the real sense of the word.

brooke, i think, is the only sex symbol that did not really bare on the big screen. she had body doubles.

of course the oh so gorgeous martin hewitt and james spader in endless love and christopher atkins in blue lagoon also captured my then blossoming heart. chos!

it was also during that time when i thoroughly enjoyed summer love starring my then favorite local young actress snooky (she wasn't yet using her surname serna then), as well as maricel soriano and their  cute leading men, gabby concepcion and the brothers albert and william martinez.

until today, snooky remains to be one of the loveliest faces to ever grace the local silver screen.

then there was the story of three loves with snooky, maricel and lani mercado (she was quite ravishing then before politics changed her), making young romance with albert, william and gabby concepcion. ok, i was a regal baby then and now.


ok. before you wonder where this post is heading, it actually is about movies that reminds me of those romantic but innocent, idyllic summer spent on the beach, or wherever, dreaming about teen-age crushes (may favourite then was being stranded in an island with albert, gabby, martin and christopher and being treated like the most beautiful thing that ever walked on earth). double chos!

blue lagoon the original with brooke shields. not seen the remake and not interested!

endless love.  again the original with brooke shields. the remake sucks!!

summer love (sorry, i can't find any movie clip of this wonderful film. i've been looking for a dvd copy of this one too for so long, but i can't find one.)

story of three loves (with a very regal snooky.)

summer lovers (the boldest movie that i saw when i was a teen-ager inside a crowded, very hot movie house full of sweaty men in shorts, sandos and flip flops.)

suddenly last summer (one of my favourite elizabeth taylor movies.)

the goonies

dead poets' society (another cryola movie. the young ethan hawke was wonderful.)

splash (i sooo love darryl hannah here. will take her anytime over those jezebel wannabes!).

the last american virgin (i remember crying on this movie and feeling so bad for its leading man. the soundtrack is awesome!!).

pretty in pink (and all those other molly ringwald movies).

bagets (i watched this a lot of times then. at the full-packed cinema with my high school friends and on tape, a pirated cinema copy, i think. aga muhlach was sooo cute then. sadly, he grew up oa! jc bonnin too. where is he by the way? raymond was conotic, and herbert was, well, herbert. never a fan of william. don't know why he became a matinee idol.)

a summer place (a story about young love starring a gorgeous couple. what else can you ask for?)

temptation island. the original,but of course with alfie anido. don't ever bother with the remake, a trying hard, copy cat and second rate!!

and my most favourite of them all.......

summer of '42 (this one never fails to make me cry and feel nostalgic about the summer of my youth. the ost is hauntingly beautiful.)


that's all fairies, witches, bitches and princesses. have a great summer!!


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