because life isn't just black and white

"i learned that very often the most intolerant and narrow-minded people are the ones who congratulate themselves on their tolerance and open-mindedness." -- christopher hitchens.

there are two kinds of people that really upset the hell out of me (and i don't get upset quite easily. i am a tough nut to crack, i warn you!) : people with a holier than thou attitude, and those who have zero tolerance for diversity. these are people who want to impose their religious beliefs, tastes, even morality on others. these are people who will even go to the extent of quoting the bible just to convince you that they're, well, the disciples of all that is good, saintly, and beautiful, while you are the evil incarnate, so you have to follow what they are preaching or risk frying in hell for all of eternity.

it's all well and good if you are as clean and as saintly as, say, mother theresa who led by example and lived her life serving, feeding, and nurturing the poor.

but if you were just a common sinner like myself, then why bother?


recently, there is too much fuss about a book that's been made into a movie that deals with s & m (slave and master for the uninitiated) and so much sex, if what i have read about it were all true. the book became an easy target for condemnation especially from people who think that indulging in such things are bad, and will destroy one's soul. maybe, or maybe not, who knows?

what i found disgusting (i know, it's a very soft word) is that most of those who condemned the book admitted that they have not even read it. and most of those who condemned the movie said they had no plans of ever watching it. i know, i know, you don't have to read or see something to know that it is trash, or bad, or worse, unfit for human consumption.

but for the sake of credibility, and to strengthen your arguments against it, then please read the book or watch the movie first before you deplore it. for the sake of fairness.

as for myself, it's no longer my thing, that is why i did not bother to read it. (i might watch the movie because the lead actor is hot!)

i did not even bother to read the reviews of both book and movie simply because i am not interested (well except for jamie dornan who is sizzling as the afternoon sun). i am not being snobbish here, ha. i simply had enough of erotic books that i had read during high school: harold robbins, anne rampling (also known as anne rice), and anonymous (the romance of lust series). see, i had read them all and there was no way they ever influenced my views about love, lust, and sex.

also, why read when you can have it in real life? hahaha

seriously now: as (normal) adults, we are old enough to decide on our own if something is good or bad. we are mature enough to know the difference between love, lust, and sex. there's simply no way that a book or a movie, no matter how powerful they are, can change that. unless, you are a pervert to begin with, then there lies the problem. within yourself, not the book, or the movie.

lest we forget, it's just a book or a movie. kids did not suck each other's blood after enjoying twilight right? nor did they turn to witchcraft after reading and watching harry fatter, i mean, potter and his friends battle the evil that is voldermort.

that is why censorship has become so powerful because of these people who believe that there are a few of us who are not mature enough, or educated, or strong enough, to think and decide for ourselves something as basic as what is good or bad.


one social media cretin went even as far as comparing the book to the bible. really?! i am not even going to dignify that very silly post!


isn't it ironic that because of all the rants of those who have prejudged the movie, it is now a big box office hit worldwide. clearly, there is nothing like controversy and sex to whet the appetite of the moviegoers.


speaking of censorship, i was appalled when i read (these days, that's all i do. read. chos!) that the country's biggest clothing and underwear brand had to censor its own billboard advertisement showing two men (quite young and very good looking at that!!) holding hands by covering their clasp hands with black paint! are we in the dark ages?

what now, self censorship is the new name of the game? i am not totally against self censorship, mind you, if you are being vulgar, immortal, or promoting something that's bad openly! (by the way, being vulgar, immoral, and bad are all subjective. so what maybe bad for you, may not be bad for me. that's why censorship is such a nonsense!)

but censoring a photo showing two people in love who are just holding hands? just because they are both men? what's wrong with that?

after all the hullaballoo over the billboard, the company said it does not want to displease the "governing body" who has the power to approve or reject such billboards. it further said that the body earlier rejected a version of the billboard that depicted the gay couple "looking loving at one another", citing "traditional filipino values." (for the full article, please read here:

what happened to tolerance? to love? to respecting each other's lifestyles?


when i was at a young age, my parents taught me that life is not black and white. and that there are as many kinds of people in the planet as there are stars in the sky on a balmy, romantic summer night. they told me to be tolerant of others, to be respectful of their views, beliefs, feelings, etc.  and i totally agree.

no, i am not disrespecting others who condemned the book, the movie, or even compared it with the bible. i am not trying to belittle the views of those who are afraid that showing two gay men holding hands through a huge billboard on the country's main highway might be against "traditional filipino values" (what ever that means!!!).

what i am trying to say is this: while i respect your views, beliefs, or even your morality, it does not mean that you are right. (no, i will not defend your right to say or express them. hahaha). that you should impose them on others who believe otherwise.

big words, i know.

but such is life. it's not black and white. there are other shades to it if you are not color blind, or if you don't choose to be blind. the rainbow is such a beauty, if you know what i mean.

enough of bigotry!

(ps: the photo of a rainbow above is not mine. it's taken from the internet. no copyright infringement intended. please inform the blogger if you want it removed from this post. thank you very much.)


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