because life isn't just black and white
"i learned that very often the most intolerant and narrow-minded people are the ones who congratulate themselves on their tolerance and open-mindedness. " -- christopher hitchens. there are two kinds of people that really upset the hell out of me (and i don't get upset quite easily. i am a tough nut to crack, i warn you!) : people with a holier than thou attitude, and those who have zero tolerance for diversity. these are people who want to impose their religious beliefs, tastes, even morality on others. these are people who will even go to the extent of quoting the bible just to convince you that they're, well, the disciples of all that is good, saintly, and beautiful, while you are the evil incarnate, so you have to follow what they are preaching or risk frying in hell for all of eternity. it's all well and good if you are as clean and as saintly as, say, mother theresa who led by example and lived her life serving, feeding, and nurturing the poor. bu...