ironic, it is
there was this poignant scene in that 90s postcard to the youth (the so called generation x) film - reality bites - where winona ryder (who graduated on top of her class) was asked to define irony during a job interview. and for all her academic brilliance, she simply can't define it. what made the scene even more ironic is that later on, when she asked ethan hawke, the slacker in their group, he gave her its definition without losing a sweat. (it goes something lyk this): the use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning. i was reminded by this because in the past few months, nay years, my life has been a constant tidal wave of ironies (is there a plural for this one? sorry to the grammar police out there). if i were an island, i would have sank (or is it sunk) by now. or maybe i am just full of contradictions - typical for someone who does not know what he wants, only what he does not want. thus, my lyf has been, was ...