ms charlize meets men of manila
mahatma gandah has always admired the prose of the doyenne of philippine fashion journalism -- ms. charliz e. she has a way with words. she strings together, short, simple and easy to comprehend words and sentences flawlessly like a master seamstress and the result is simply divine -- an understated elegance much like a chanel or a valentino. nothing flamboyant, nothing excessive, only fabulousness. when she brought up the idea of doing a foto shoot with the new boy band of manille -- the men of manila -- mahatma gandah agreed right away. who would not take the chance to work with ms. charlize and be featured in her widely read column on the business mirror ( the country's top business paper) that has become the bible of those who matter in the fashion industry both here and abroad? surely, not mahatma gandah. so one smoldering sunday morning, ms. charlize was surrounded by the eager boys of men of manila not only to sit in front of her and be interviewed, but also to get...